Employment Compliance & Audit Services

An HR audit involves devoting time and resources to taking an intensely objective look at your organization’s HR strategies to protect the organization, establish best practices and identify opportunities for improvement.
An objective review of your “current state” can help you evaluate whether specific practice areas are adequate, legal and effective. The results can provide you or other decision makers with the information necessary to decide what areas need improvement.
We offer two types of HR Audits at $2,500 each:
Compliance. Focuses on how well the organization is complying with current federal, state and local laws and regulations (e.g., an evaluation of the organization’s HR compliance, practices, policies, and processes with a focus on DFEH/EEOC, ADAAA, DLSE/DOL, Workers Comp, Cal/OSHA, FLSA, CA Labor Code, DIR, IWC.)
Functional. Focuses on a specific area in the HR function (e.g., an evaluation of the organization’s functional HR policies, practices and processes with a focus on the HR disciplines of Staffing, Human Resource Development/Training, Administration, Planning, Safety & Security, Employee Relations, Recruitment & Selection, and Performance Management.)

Our audit team scrutinizes all critical areas of an organization’s HR policies and practices. We solicit feedback from selected staff through an audit questionnaire to determine if Company policies and practices are in compliance, understood, practiced and accepted.
There are certain areas in which organizations are particularly vulnerable. Most lawsuits can be traced to issues related to policies and practices involving hiring, wage and hour, employer recordkeeping, discipline or termination. In addition to policies, we examine practices like:
Misclassification of exempt and nonexempt jobs. Almost every organization has job positions that have been misclassified as exempt from overtime eligibility. The complexity of wage and hour laws and regulations makes it easy to err in classifying a job as exempt, thereby exposing the employer to liability for past overtime.
Prohibited attendance policies. Controlling excessive absenteeism is a big concern for most employers. However, the complexity of family and medical leave laws, with sometimes conflicting state and federal protections, has made many formerly acceptable absence control policies unacceptable. Absences affect workers' compensation, family and medical leave, disability accommodations and pregnancy laws. Organizations often have attendance policies that do not comply with relevant laws and regulations or that grant employees more protections than required.

The Gold Standard Of Compliance Documents available online in one easy to use system. These are "Time Tested HR Policies" and are the keys to operating a compliant business In California,
THE OPERATIONAL DEFINITION: Let's start with a definition of what exactly "Compliance" is so we're on the same page.
Employer Compliance - Is meeting all the transactional requirements for documents, forms and records established by federal, state and local laws and statutes.
Employment Compliance - Is ethical administration and management of company practices, policies, documents, forms and records in accordance with federal, state and local laws and statutes.
If an employer, is not meeting these transactional requirements as well as ethically administering and managing these records, they are not compliant and are operating outside of California employment law. This means their employees can file a claim or lawsuit against them right now today (even if they don't know they can) and will most likely win. In most cases, employers settle out of court for 10's of thousands of dollars because it's cheaper than losing in court, and the employee often gets to keep their job!
Find Out Instantly If You're A Fit For Compliance Accelerator by downloading our $1,100 Compliance Assessment absolutely FREE!
Contact me if you are interested in attending or wish to provide SHRM Certification Exam Prep, SHRM California Law HR Specialty, or SHRM Certification Exam Prep Train-the-Trainer Courses.